Presence is GREATER than Presents

This week my wife and I wrapped up about 90% of our Christmas Shopping! Feels good to have that mostly done!

Confession: I stress out about giving gifts. One of my love languages is giving and receiving gifts. I love to give gifts, and I love to receive gifts. I think there is something special about giving someone a gift that shows home much you know and care about them.

I used to stress out because I was the guy who would break the bank each Christmas to give people gifts. I would imagine the people I love opening the perfect gift from me on Christmas morning, and they would love how much I love them.

Until one Christmas, when my wife opened a gift I got her and she looked at me and instead of being overjoyed, looked at me and said, "How much did this cost?". Whoops.

A few years ago, I had a big realization that has dramatically reduced the stress I experience when it comes to gifts.

Most people spell love like this: T-I-M-E.

Sure, presents are great, and you should get a little something for the people you love this Christmas. But you do not need to break the bank and go into debt to show people you care about them. After all, your presence is more significant than more presents under the tree.

There is something exciting about opening a great gift, but the reality is most of those Christmas gifts will end up in the garbage dump, or stuffed in the back of a closet by next Christmas. Do you know what lasts longer than Tickle Me Elmo, the new baby Yoda, or the new iPhone? The memories you make with your family.

Here is the real kicker; it does not take a lot of money to be present and make some memories.

  • Drive around and look at Christmas Lights.

  • Build a Ginger Bread House with your family.

  • Build a snow fort or have an epic snowball fight.

  • Go to your neighbor's house or a nursing home and sing some Christmas Carols.

  • Bake and Decorate a bunch of Christmas Cookies and then deliver them to people or give them away.

  • Pop some popcorn, have a family night and watch a bunch of Christmas movies.

The greatest news on the planet is that Jesus left heaven and came to earth to be with us! God made himself available to us! 

Don't forget to spend some time with the people you love this Christmas. The time you spend with them, the activities you do with them, and the memories you create are move valuable and more meaningful than the gifts under the tree!

Take A Step:

  • What is something you could so with your friends, family, loved ones this Christmas Season that would be fun and meaningful?

  • How could you show up and be present?

Presence > Presents

On The Journey With You,


Adam ReardonChristmas