A Few Thoughts On Sunday @ The Moose Lodge


Starting a brand new church is HARD.

Weekly Set Up & Tear Down is WORK.

Moving Locations is a CHALLENGE.

Seeing Lives Change by Jesus and Disciples Made = WORTH IT!

Dear Redemption Church Fam,

Last Sunday was our first Sunday morning worship gathering at the Belvidere Moose Lodge. Not only did we move locations, we also moved our gathering time to 10:30AM.

Let’s be real, it was a lot of work!

I want to thank everyone who showed up at 9:00 AM and did the hard work of ministry. Not only did we set up in a new room, we were also figuring it out as we set up. In some ways it is like jumping out of a plane and building the parachute on the way down! For the most part, set up and tear down went really smooth, and it was because of the great volunteers who made it happen. We are still figuring out a few things, but I know each week will get better and better as we fall into a groove.

If you consider Redemption Church your church, now is the time to jump in and get involved! We are better together! Your gifts, talents, and abilities make us a healthier more vibrant church! It takes teamwork to make the dream work! If you are not currently on a team, consider joining a team. As we begin this new chapter I am excited about the opportunities we have.

The room at the Moose Lodge is BIG, and will provide us with lots of room for growth. We are not just about filling seats, we want to bring people into the family of God! As a church we exist to see Lives Changed by Jesus and Disciples made. One of the ways you can partner with us is by inviting people, and spreading the word about our new gathering time and location.

The church has never been about a building! It has always been about the people of God living for the glory and mission of God!

I am thankful for this new opportunity. I am thankful for the new faces we saw on Sunday.

I am thankful for everyone who helped on Sunday. I am thankful that we get to do it again this Sunday!

Set Up @ 9:00AM.

Worship Gathering @ 10:30AM.

Grace and Peace,


Adam ReardonRedemption Church